Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 Illogical Fallacies

After reading chapter 5 of Kirszner's Practical Argument (2011), here is my list of fallacies:

1. How can you like Rhianna's music? She's weird and ugly. (Ad hominem)
2. You can't do that because I told you not to. (Circular Reasoning)
3. Right after he smiled, he got hit by a bus, so I'm not going to smile because I don't want to get hit by a bus. (Post hoc, ergo propter hoc)
4. What do you mean you don't know if you want to marry me or not? Either you love me, or you don't. (False dilemma)
5. Once 2 people in a dating relationship start kissing, they will do more and more, and eventually, have premarital sex. (Slippery Slope)
6. Don't tell me I shouldn't yell in front of our son! You did it last week! (Tu Quoque)
7. Beyonce should have won the grammy. Even Kanye West says so. (Appeal to Doubtful Authority)
8. Everyone in today's society says having sex after one month of dating is acceptable, so it is. (Bandwagon Appeal)
9. Once, this Christian girl yelled at me. Christians are terrible people. (Non Sequitur/Sweeping Generalization)
10. Miley Cirus' voice is obnoxious, and she should not be producing mainstream music... Well, you at least have to admit her teeth are horrible. (Red Herring/Ad Hominem)

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